Your voice is a dusky potion of tobacco, bitter vanilla and vetiver, best worn with fur and lace. And the soundtrack is mysterious and beautiful. 

Sandrine, Dublin

I cannot stress enough, how much I’ve enjoyed this. The music is titillating and soothing. While your voice is stimulating and very sexy.
Marina, USA

I loved it – and looking forward to hearing more. Much more powerful than reading the text as it’s a totally immersive experience and the music brings it to life. I had it on headphones and forgot about dinner! It’s both arousing and relaxing. 

Nicci, London

a wonderful voiceover, part coy, part smug, always lascivious…..
Lorna R, London

 I found the material fascinating, really absorbing, and your music is so beautifully crafted and well-matched with the writing it’s a real triumph. I’ll be telling plenty of people to seek it out!

Graham McCann (Author:’Bounder’ The Biography of Terry Thomas)

I like listening to it whilst trying to go to sleep, getting turned on, masturbating, then pausing the story until the next night.  I suppose I could go on like this for many months if not years.
Sarah, UK

I’d just like to thank you for your amazing audio book, absolutely fantastic, that voice with the music is sinfully erotic.
Hats off to you and awaiting the next instalment with baited breath.

Julie, USA

I love My Secret Life and the concept of an “audiofilm” of it just fantastic. Why, it’s made of some of my favorite things — good music, sex, and an insight into the intimate aspects of daily life in that time and place. “My Secret Life” has been pretty educational. This is some high-class porn going on here. 

It’s much more powerful than reading the text as it’s a totally immersive experience and the music brings it to life. I had it on headphones and forgot about dinner! It’s both arousing and relaxing.
Sammy, UK

Your reading has a very dramatic flair to it, full of lingering punctuation and indicative intonation. What’s your approach to recording the narration?


I’ve never heard an erotic audio production even close to this calibre. The voice is pure velvet. 

Roberta, USA

it’s a fantastic execution of a brilliant idea. I love it! It’s just remarkable.
Janine UK

a deliciously dark yet educated and captivating voice – the music, the footsteps, the background noises. A truly enchanting experience

Ivan, Dublin

I love it! I enjoyed it very much. Even made me a little tearful during the musical interlude of Charlotte and Wattie’s first day together at the “baudy house”; I had my own stolen hours much like that when I was the same age. It’s timeless :’-). You brought it to life, you really did, so thank you. I look forward to the rest — don’t you give up on us now!
Annie, USA

What you’re doing is really quite remarkable…you have crafted a wonderful soundscape indeed  Lizzy, Bristol

I listened to chapter four of your audio book. I’m at a loss for words. Nothing I can think of eloquently describes how I felt hearing your voice. It’s more than the reading of a book. The feeling and emotions behind the words were touching, erotic if I may say so. Is the entire audio book available for purchase? Thank you 
Diane, USA

….although the story was intriguing, I found the sound of your voice and the music erotically stimulating, and more exciting than the actual words.
Kate, UK

I’m not sure if I can eloquently put into words the feelings and or emotions that your composition evokes. It is very powerful. 
Donya, USA

Yes its still erotica, but in a very seductive manner. The music sets the mood and your voice is like a lover’s hands.
Natalie, Italy

Our sexuality and our genitals are something worth true respect and awe; I think Walter knew this, and your rendition of his work helps that overlooked concept truly shine. 
Mrs A

A wonderfully nostalgically delicious look into old world life & the gorgeous belles of the day! Thank you & the excellent soundtrack. MORE, Please!!!!!! Left me reflecting & horny

Overall it is highly erotic and does evoke a great many feelings. And before you ask, yes it did, in fact, turn me on. A man cannot repeatedly say cock, prick and cunt and not be arousing.  
Sarah, UK

…….your voice is like the scent of an aftershave or cologne on a woman.
Suzie, USA

A text like this should be preserved in all forms available, and you’re a pioneer. 
Sebastian, UK

That juxtaposition of the very proper, the Victorian setting, and the very taboo makes the story more stimulating. 
And I think ‘nice’ girls will let themselves feel dirty if they listened to this when their husbands weren’t around, telling him that it’s an old Victorian story, and he’d pass it off as quaint. 

Rob, USA

Your website is brilliant. Your voice and the piano soundtrack mysterious and beautiful. The project is in a world of its own, so beautiful.
Sandrine, Ireland

A fantastic execution of a brilliant idea. I feel your scoring and narration brings out the aspect of ‘My Secret Life’ that I find so intriguing and that differentiates it from any other thing I’ve ever read.
Annie USA

A singular work! The text is beautifully read and the music matches it perfectly. Clearly a labour of love.
Colonel Mustard, USA

Interesting idea, wonderful voiceover, part coy, part smug, always lascivious…..
Lorna R

This is an amazing piece you’ve created. I read “My Secret Life” when I was a young teen and it’s had a profound influence on my sexuality.
Danny, USA

I LOVED the short clips I listened to on your website. They made me curious and they made me smile.
Laurie, London

crazy part is the weirder it got; the more I read
Bree, USA

the music is beautiful, eerie in places and takes you into a dream-scape; a place beyond time.
S.F Reynarde, UK

the music transports you outside yourself, into a landscape of its own making 

Loren Kleinman

This is ‘industrial strength’ erotica, probably as speculated, written by an engineer in the age of steam and the rise of the machine.
Andrew NZ 

This is a truly amazing part of history. The audio translation is done perfectly, it really makes me think I am listening to the actual author speaking. Stephen USA

I accidentally found it. Didn’t really know what to make of it at first, but after finding out that it was the true accounts of this gentleman, that’s when I became amazed. Dan USA

….although the story was intriguing, I found the sound of your voice and the music erotically stimulating, and more exciting than the actual words.
Kate, UK
First off, as for the listening experience, I thoroughly enjoyed the music and your voice as you told the story. I could nearly picture it as you spoke. The music helped to create that image. Catherine, Hampshire
I think as a couple, it could be extremely enticing to listen together. Would be quite the aphrodisiac.  At least definitely from a female perspective. Carrie, London
As for the story, before your audio I was unaware of this book. And even though it’s of a era I’m not familiar with I am utterly captivated. 
Lorna, Sydney
…….your voice is like the scent of an aftershave or cologne on a woman.
Suzie, USA
I love it! I enjoyed it very much. Even made me a little tearful during the musical interlude of Charlotte and Wattie’s first day together at the “baudy house”; I had my own stolen hours much like that when I was the same age. It’s timeless :’-). You brought it to life, you really did, so thank you. I look forward to the rest — don’t you give up on us now! 
Annie, USA
It’s much more powerful than reading the text as it’s a totally immersive experience and the music brings it to life. I had it on headphones and forgot about dinner! It’s both arousing and relaxing.
Sammy, UK
I think the soundtrack you’re composing is really beautiful — it’s haunting and alluring, and really creates an encompassing atmosphere for Walter’s life. Loren, New York
A text like this should be preserved in all forms available, and your a pioneer. 
Sebastian, UK

Thank you very much indeed for sharing the ‘My Secret Life’ link.  I found the material fascinating, really absorbing, and your music is so beautifully crafted and well-matched with the writing it’s a real triumph. I’ll be telling plenty of people to seek it out!
Graham McCann (Author:’Bounder’ The Biography of Terry Thomas)

I love it! I enjoyed it very much. Even made me a little tearful during the musical interlude of Charlotte and Wattie’s first day together at the “baudy house”; I had my own stolen hours much like that when I was the same age. It’s timeless :’-). You brought it to life, you really did, so thank you. I look forward to the rest — don’t you give up on us now!

I listened to chapter four of your audio book. I’m at a loss for words. Nothing I can think of eloquently describes how I felt hearing your voice. It’s more than the reading of a book. The feeling and emotions behind the words were touching, erotic if I may say so. Is the entire audio book available for purchase? Thank you 
Diane, USA

….although the story was intriguing, I found the sound of your voice and the music erotically stimulating, and more exciting than the actual words.
Kate, UK

I’m not sure if I can eloquently put into words the feelings and or emotions that your composition evokes. It is very powerful. 
Donya, USA

Yes its still erotica, but in a very seductive manner. The music sets the mood and your voice is like a lover’s hands.
Natalie, Italy

Our sexuality and our genitals are something worth true respect and awe; I think Walter knew this, and your rendition of his work helps that overlooked concept truly shine. 
Mrs A

A wonderfully nostalgically delicious look into old world life & the gorgeous belles of the day! Thank you & the excellent soundtrack. MORE, Please!!!!!! Left me reflecting & horny

I cannot stress enough, how much I’ve enjoyed this. The music is titillating and soothing. While your voice is stimulating and very sexy. I know highly over used word, but very accurate.
Marina, Germany

Overall it is highly erotic and does evoke a great many feelings. And before you ask, yes it did, in fact, turn me on. A man cannot repeatedly say cock, prick and cunt and not be arousing.  
Sarah, UK

…….your voice is like the scent of an aftershave or cologne on a woman.
Suzie, USA

It’s much more powerful than reading the text as it’s a totally immersive experience and the music brings it to life. I had it on headphones and forgot about dinner! It’s both arousing and relaxing.
Sammy, UK

A text like this should be preserved in all forms available, and you’re a pioneer. 
Sebastian, UK

I like listening to it whilst trying to go to sleep, getting turned on, masturbating, then pausing the story until the next night.  I suppose I could go on like this for many months if not years.
Sarah, UK

That juxtaposition of the very proper, in terms of the Victorian setting and the very taboo makes the story more stimulating. 
And I think proper girls will let themselves feel dirty if they listened to this, bought a copy, listened when their husbands weren’t around, telling him that its an old Victorian story, and he’d pass it off as quaint. 

Rob, USA

Your website is brilliant. Your voice and the piano soundtrack mysterious and beautiful. The project is in a world of its own, so beautiful.
Sandrine, Ireland

A fantastic execution of a brilliant idea. I feel your scoring and narration brings out the aspect of ‘My Secret Life’ that I find so intriguing and that differentiates it from any other thing I’ve ever read.
Annie USA

A singular work! The text is beautifully read and the music matches it perfectly. Clearly a labour of love.
Colonel Mustard, USA

Interesting idea, wonderful voiceover, part coy, part smug, always lascivious…..
Lorna R

This is an amazing piece you’ve created. I read “My Secret Life” when I was a young teen and it’s had a profound influence on my sexuality.
Danny, USA

I LOVED the short clips I listened to on your website. They made me curious and they made me smile.
Laurie, London

“My Secret Life” has been pretty educational. This is some high-class porn going on here. 
Christabel, Ireland

crazy part is the weirder it got; the more I read
Bree, USA

the music is beautiful, eerie in places and takes you into a dream-scape; a place beyond time.
S.F Reynarde, UK

This is ‘industrial strength’ erotica, probably as speculated, written by an engineer in the age of steam and the rise of the machine.
Andrew McKenna NZ

Your videos are excellent and so very well made.
Tim, UK

It really felt like a time machine going back to the wonderful past to have those beautiful women.
Vic, UK

I recall reading the actual book in 1980. It was hotter than any story then in Penthouse magazine.

This is truly beautiful, it is far more than just porn, it´s history.
Kim, Ireland

Very good idea to bring all those very vintage pics as little saucy films.
WZ, Denmark

This is not porn this is art!

You’re like the Ken Burns of porn and it’s magnificent.

Teens and twenty something women are looking for sex. They are not reading about it, they are living it. . By the time you hit thirty, its all about the “mommy” porn. By 35-40 you want a seduction. Which is where this audio comes into play. Yes its still erotica, but in a very seductive manner. The music sets the mood and your voice is like a lover’s hands. And finally the words, as we both know, the words are the final stroke or caress. When you hear the words being spoken its far more “real”, than just reading the words. 

Trinny, Worcester