My Secret Life, Volume Six, Audio Book



A Paris Hotel. • Big key hole, and spy hole. • A newly married couple. • Unsuspicious. • “Hush Charles.” • Marriage rights exercised. • “Are you awake Emma.” • A noble prick. • They fuck and I frig. • Da capo. • Thighs up, cunt paddled in. • She on the pot. • The key hole suspected. • My prick exhibited. • I make their acquaintance. • My voluptuous thoughts. • They change their room. • I leave Paris. • Switzerland. • At a smallish village. • A woman washing linen. Naked wet legs. • Suggestive conversation. • A Louis for a feel. • The Chalet off the track. • On the hay with her. • A hurried grope and rapturous fucking. • The Chapel. • The dancing barn. • Against a fence. • At the Chalet again. • The Brothel at B***e.


A middle-aged masturbatrix. • At a French sea-port. • Mrs. C**p**n. • Introduced. • Her voluptuous looks. • “Where do you garter?” • A kiss on the stairs. • In her bed-room. • Frank impudicity. • Not quite a gamahuche. • What’s her little game? • Mutual masturbation. • Her maid. • “You won’t do it now.” • Both naked. • My reflections about her behaviour. • Our second amusements. • Masturbation resumed. • Her taste for it. • Her half promise not kept. • Her sudden departure. • At F**r***e. • A moral Valet-de-place. • An immoral one. • A female establishment. • Maria alone. • With Maria and Antonia. • With Francesca. • With the three sisters to-gether. • Frolics voluptuous, salacious, libidinous. • Empty testicles.


At R**e. • The Marchesa di R**p*l*. • A flirt. • At the Palaazzo. • Inspecting fine silk stockings. • Results, on two sofas and one bed. • The Marchesa’s cunt, thin thighs, and small bum. • Marietta, the Lady’s maid and Valet’s wife. • Waiting for a letter. • Marchesa at my hotel. • A night in the attic with Marietta. • At a bagnio with her. • Impatient attorneys. • Back to London in haste. • On the Messageries Imperiales. • The ballet dancer. • Amusements in her cabin and in mine. • At luncheon afterwards. • Fucking for love.


A piece of luck. • In a dull street. • A violent step-mother. • Rosa W***e. • A runaway. • My good advice. • In the Cab. • “I’m so hungry.” • At J***s St. • Sullen, staring, and taciturn. • Fed, felt, and fucked. • The bloody chemise. • Her fears. • “You can’t set things right.” • Stern intentions. • A new night-gown. • Oysters and Champagne. • Taciturnity gone. • Making a clean breast. • Her history. • Her misfortune. • The music hall. • Liquoring after. • Drunk or drugged? • Virginity taken. • Forsaken. • Her misery, wanderings, and return home.


After breakfast. • An inspection of Rosa. • Her figure, face, and pudenda. • An expensive room. • A frig stopped. • Looking- glasses not appreciated. • She feels my sperm. • Fresh lodgings. • Conversations on fucking. • Her youthful knowledge. • Stiff pricks in little boys. • Precocity in young girls. • Opportunities in the humble classes. • I make notes of the intrigue. • Her suspicions. • Clothes bought her. • My pleasure with her, and her indifference. • Her relatives written to. • She goes to them. • Her brief letter. • Full-grown Paphians • Their cunts compared with Rosa’s.


Big-eyed Betsy Johnson. • Early acquaintance. • Brothels closed. • Ten years later. • It’s you Betsy! • Her huge nymphet. • Protuberant eyes. • Witty baudiness. • My erotic requests. • Her help. • With Betsy and a man. • Hesitations. • His offers. • I frig him. • His arsehole offered. • No erection available. • Pestles and bumholes. • Spunk and a toothpick. • I poke Betsy. • His thumb on my bum. • A little virgin wanted. • One found. • At J***s St. with her. • Another Molly. • Betsy’s baudy antics. • Molly modest, stripped, and liquored up. • Pitching shillings at cunts. • Molly refuses my amatory advances. • Betsy’s threats.


Molly’s virginity verified. • All three on the bed. • Molly refuses me. Betsy’s rage. • My prick up Betsy temporarily. • Molly convinced. • I mount her. • A wriggler and screecher. • The bed pillow employed. • Stroke number one. • The bloody sequel. • Stroke number two. • Betsy screwed. • Stroke number three. • Molly spends. • A night’s cock-work. • Three in a bed. • Three weeks with Molly. • My erotic whims. • Difficult postures. • Betsy’s assistance. • Molly on Betsy. • I fuck Betsy. • Molly jealous. • Betsy frigging herself. • Sudden disappearance of the two. • Reasons months after. • The washerwoman in quod. • The Priest’s interference. • With Betsy in a Bath. • Fucking under water. • The Brothel in J***s St. closed.


Promiscuous whorings. • Mrs. Eliza F***m**g. • Her fling. • An expensive establishment. • Mutual likings. • I am her fancy. • Lord E**t*r. • Caught by her with a woman. • My gift. • She marries. • A Rotterdam saloon. • A flaxen-haired North Hollander. • The young Englishman. • An Amsterdam bitch. • A difficult poke and queer cunt. • A Dutch sailor’s whore. • Polyglot baudiness. • A pomatum pot. • At B***s**s. • Mrs. W***t*r again. • Acquaintance renewed. • A shallow cupboard. • A cough and a fart. • Four brothels and eight whores. • A larkish maid-servant. • Unsuccessful attempts.


Fornication on a prospect tower. • At a Restaurant. • Two sisters, shop-women. • The drive to the tower. • A randy quartette. • On the tower stairs. • Legs felt and prick produced. • Fucking near the sky. • The second ascent. • The half-way landing. • Adultery at night. • A woman’s intentions. • At Paris. • A creole for variety. • Tobacco versus fucking. • A negress for a change. • Amusements with a comb. • A recusant prick. • A determined entry. • Black on white, and white on black. • Fucked at last. • A sudden summons. • Free! Hurrah!


My social conditions. • Dainty whoremongering. • Difficulties in selection of women. • Eccentric fucking attitudes. • Writing my narrative. • The uniformity of fucking. • A peep over folding doors. • Amorous Americans. • The swain’s lecture. • An obstructive table. • The lady’s legs. • The swain’s prick. • An inquisitive look. • I hear but see not. • Sobs and tears. • Momentary nudity. • Next day’s repetition. • Conjectures. • A semi-eastern harem. • Beautiful courtezans. • A beauty selected. • “I’ve no hair there.” • Other beautifuls. • A noisy neighbour. • Male inspection of male erection. • England again. • Many expensive mercenaries.


At Cremorne. • Amelia German. • A fair-haired beauty. • A voluptuous bed-fellow. • Tongues and lips. • Small entrance, large interior. • Her house and her captain. • Mrs. A*t*n the house-keeper. • The house-keeper alone. • Why does she sleep with Amelia. • Reasons suggested. • Mrs. A., on the sofa. • Hesitation and consummation. • Regrets after fucking. • Mrs. A’s history. • On Sapphic tasts. • Mrs. A*t*n at a brothel. • A telltale belly. • Amelia with child. • A*t*n’s produce. • Still-born or murdered? • House-keeper departs. • Gamahuching in a new attitude. • Repetition. • Liking and disliking. • Amelia’s accouchement. • She disappears.


Reasons for omitting dates and places at this period. • A sea voyage. • Brother and sister. • Effects of sea air. • Nursemaid. • Mary’s cabin. • A poke interrupted. • The brother’s illness. • Bella on heat. • Nearly caught. • Mary’s suspicions. • Arrival at * * * *. • A week at an hotel. • Brother and sister depart. • The voyage home. • The emigrant’s daughter.


London again. • Reckless whoring. • Cheap but wholesome. • At the back of the turnpike. • Against area railings. • Near the docks. • A sailor’s taproom. • A sailor’s woman. • A Ratcliffe high-way whore. • The landlady’s little child. • What gin and ten shillings will do. • An infants pudenda. • At H**b**g. • Love by the hour. • The sailor’s doxies. • An unlooked for exhibition of penis. • A rapid poke.


At B**I*n. • A meet in a street. • A mysterious lady. • A long walk. • The carpet hung out. • “You are Englishman.” • My reward. • To Scotland. • The G***c*w dye-works. • The bare legged fore-woman. • In search of a brothel. • My noble spout. • White flesh and red hair. • Private instructions in dyeing. • A horse collar cunt. • Unusual continence. • At D**d*e. • A mill- hand with naked feet. • “By the sodjers’ barracks.” • The old mon’s hut. • Janet in bed, simple and indecent. • “The sodgers’ Whures.” • Sister Ruth in the fog. • A convenient wall. • An uprighter.


With Janet next day. • On the Quays at night. • Very cheap amusements. • Chaffing the “Whures.” • A feel for sixpence. • A fuck for a shilling. • I give luck. • Reckless whoring. • Two sisters again. • Bonnetless and barefooted. • Uprighters. • Sukey holds the stick. • Adjacent copulators. • “Our claes air nae clan.” • Sukey on the bed. • More finger-stinking. • Bilked at E***b***h. • Introduction and explanation. • An episode of war. • A Paris acquaintance. • The lady of the captain. • Lushing and blabbing. • His disclosures. • My lust for her. • The lady’s suspicions and anger. • Her interrogatories. • My admissions. • Her revenge. • On the sofa. • A clandestine visit. • The captain’s country visit. • A locum tenens. • Sixty hours of love. • Difficulties with the servant. • The lady’s beauties.


Gertrude’s history. • Birthplace and parentage. • Her seduction. • Sister Margaretta. • Antonio’s farm near Solferino. • Soldiers quartered on the farm. • The women hear and fear. • Before the battle. • Officers leave. • The soldiers lust. • The sisters ravished. • Twelve fucks in an hour. • The spend outside. • Gertrude’s pleasure. • The gift of the watch. • The flight. • The battle. • Farm burnt. • The refugees in town.


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